Jan 14, 2020
Why IoT Needs NFC: A Few Important Things You Haven’t Thought About Yet
The easiest, most versatile technology to use with IoT devices is NFC. Already in use daily by billions of people, NFC’s simple “tap and go” paradigm allows for almost instant initial configuration, control, troubleshooting assistance and updating of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This unique capability of NFC helps product manufacturers establish and foster a strong connection with their customers.
Businesses are at a critical juncture in product technology development. As the IoT reaches into more aspects of business and consumer life, manufacturers must determine how best to IoT-enable their products and devices for control and troubleshooting assistance while simultaneously improving the user experience.
Building a Stronger IoT Connection: How NFC Delivers Benefits for Consumers and Manufacturers in Control and Troubleshooting Assistance White Paper goes into depth exploring “the how” and “the why” of this growing challenge with a generous sprinkling of real-life use cases to illustrate key points.
Get Your IoT Fix Now. Download; Building a Stronger IoT Connection: How NFC Delivers Benefits for Consumers and Manufacturers in Control and Troubleshooting Assistance
White Paper
22 Billion Active IoT Devices Within Five Years
The business need for a solution allowing for easy IoT enablement is as critical as the opportunity is vast.
According to IoT Analytics, there will be 22 billion active IoT devices globally by 2025. That’s an increase of 13.7 billion over the next five years. That number will continue to grow as new industrial applications, smart home products, smart campus solutions and smart office technologies come to market.
And according to DBS Group Research by 2030, it is estimated there will be 125 billion IoT devices installed and connected to the Internet, up from 11 billion in 2018. There is no mystery to the growth of IoT. By adding intelligence and network connectivity to appliances, home automation solutions and other personal electronics manufacturers can deliver more capabilities, value and convenience to their users.
IoT-enabled products also helps manufacturers to lower their costs by reducing call center, field service and documentation expenses. At the same time, IoT-enabled products offer manufacturers opportunities for incremental revenue as users can go directly to manufacturers to order refills, filters and other add-on products.
NFC and IoT Use Cases Featured
This new white paper details the challenges and offers solutions for turning previously unconnected products into NFC-enabled IoT devices. Eight use cases are included in the white paper under the following headings:
- Initial Configuration: Giving users a personalized head start
- Enabling User Control
- Troubleshooting: speeding results and lowering service costs
- Updating: keeping products performing at their best
The white paper was prepared by NFC Forum members: Matthew Bright, Thinfilm; Giuliana Curro, STMicroelectronics; Preeti Ohri Khemani, Infineon; Fabrice Punch, NXP Semiconductors and Erich Reisenhofer, NXP Semiconductors.
Find out more and download Building a Stronger IoT Connection: How NFC Delivers Benefits for Consumers and Manufacturers in Control and Troubleshooting Assistance White Paper

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