Case Study: RATP supports MaaS throughout greater Paris
Aug 11, 2021

Case Study: RATP supports MaaS throughout greater Paris

An NFC-based MaaS deployment is reaping benefits for riders and operators alike on one of the largest transit networks in the world in greater Paris. Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), the state-owned public transport operator, partnered with Wizway Solutions to make MaaS available on the Paris Métro, Île-de-France tram, and RATP Bus 11 as well as part of the regional express rail (RER) network.

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The network supports more than four billion trips annually. The Wizway solution is based a single API that uses NFC technology and securely emulates transit cards on every type of NFC-enabled smartphone. It is implemented on mobile apps (RATP and Ile de France Mobilité) as well as transit apps for major regional cities (Lille, Strasbourg) and regional trains (SNCF) and is compatible with existing contactless readers based on Calypso, an NFC Forum liaison partner. In addition to ticketing and access, the solution supports journey preparation, including traffic information, fares, maps, itinerary search, and next arrival times in real time. Since May 2020, Wizway has recorded an impressive +144% growth in the use of NFC for transit in France.

Watch the Wizway Use Case via Webinar from our recent Open Forum

The NFC Forum is a non-profit industry association whose membership draws from all parts of the NFC ecosystem. Working within the framework of the NFC Forum, member organizations share development, application, and marketing expertise to develop the best possible solutions for advancing the use of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology which enables the lives of consumers worldwide and advances members’ business objectives.