NFC in Hospitality

Enrich the guest experience with simplified room access and quick payments.

Travelers are yearning for convenience and a carefree visit in our post-COVID life. NFC Technology connects visitors to your property and brand. From keyless and contactless guest room access, to tap to pay, and innovative guest and meeting attendee experiences, property owners and brands can now connect with guest using phones, wearables along with low-cost tags and wristbands.

  • Allow guests to enter their room with a tap of their phone or wearable

  • Provision and send digital keys directly to guests to bypass check-in

  • Support contactless payment for every service

  • Extend the guest experience with branded NFC wearables

  • Improve the conference experience with reliable NFC technology

Like so many other industries, NFC plays a significant role in reshaping the hospitality industry. By supporting industry standards and Digital Wallets, hospitality and travel brands can drastically improve the user experience while also reducing costs. And for the biggest adopters of this technology, guests can now have a fully branding contactless experience during their stay.

Digital Key in action at Hyatt Long Beach