Nov 23, 2021

Near Field Communication Forum Announces Seven New Members

Huawei Joins NFC Board of Directors

WAKEFIELD, MA. – November 23, 2021 – The Near Field Communication (NFC) Forum, the global standards-body for NFC technology, added seven new organizations as members recently. The new member organizations include Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd joining as a sponsor member and taking a seat on the NFC Forum Board of Directors as well as EM Microelectronic and TOKAI RIKA CO., LTD joining as Principal and Associate members respectively. CEC Huada Electronic Design Co., Ltd, Metaboards and Sichuan Kiloway Technologies Co., Ltd were added as NFC Forum members at the Implementer level. The Chinese University of Hong Kong joined the NFC Forum at the Non-profit level.

“We welcome Huawei to the Board of Directors and look forward to their expanding role in the NFC Forum,” said Mike McCamon, executive director, NFC Forum. “Each of these organizations announced today bring a unique perspective and expertise to the NFC Forum. They will play a significant role in NFC specification development for new features like wireless charging, expansion of our certification program, forwarding advocacy activities and participating in the Special Interest Groups developing use cases and promoting the technology worldwide.”

Huawei will join other handset leaders Apple, Google, and Sony on the governing body of the NFC Forum. NFC is a standard feature on the almost three billion smartphones in the world, making it one of the most prolific and versatile technologies in the world. The NFC Forum creates the NFC specifications and performs the NFC certifications that makes NFC one of the most successful and user-friendly technologies in use today.

NFC Forum Membership Levels

Sponsor level is the top tier of NFC Forum membership. It entitles an organization to a seat on the NFC Forum Board of Directors, the consortium’s governing body, and the ability to run for officer positions. Sponsor members, like Principal members, may designate individuals to run for Forum leadership positions and may appoint one voting representative to each of the NFC Forum Committees and Working Groups. For more information or to join the NFC Forum: /join/membership-overview/

About the NFC Forum

The NFC Forum was launched as a non-profit industry association in 2004 by leading mobile communications, semiconductor, and consumer electronics companies. The Forum’s mission is to advance the use of Near Field Communication technology by developing specifications, ensuring interoperability among devices and services, and educating the market about NFC technology. The Forum’s global member companies are currently developing specifications for a modular NFC device architecture, and protocols for interoperable data exchange and device-independent service delivery, device discovery, and device capability.

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